As for a starter, I really enjoyed the melody though I believe you could've put far more work into it than this. This melody has potentionals to become a kickass dancetrack in Gigi D'agostino style. Work with this :)
Keep up the good work :)
As for a starter, I really enjoyed the melody though I believe you could've put far more work into it than this. This melody has potentionals to become a kickass dancetrack in Gigi D'agostino style. Work with this :)
Keep up the good work :)
LoL. "you spin me right round...." anyways. I will keep that in mind. I was planing on making a remix.
This is kickasspwn work xD
I love the brutal sound! Reminds me of a tranceparty I attended last year. "Sense Your Mind" when I jumpstyled my ass off on the dancefloor:p
The only contructive criticism I can come up with is, to me it seems like a there's still missing some mastering. Besides that.. it's a fat track xD
.::Keep Up The Good Work!::.
The brutal sound was EXACTLY what I was going for! :D Glad you liked it.
The mixing/mastering of this song wasn't nearly my best, I've learned a ton since then - compare it to something more recent, i.e. my remix of Paradise on E, and you'll see what I mean. You can also go back to the first few pages of reviews where I probably explained things more in-detail.
Thanks for the review!
I like the idea of this remix, but I think you could have put alot more work into this tbh:)
-Add more variations to make it more interesting.
-Master the track a tad better as the whole picture seems a tad blury..
-Maybe replace the flangered sawlead ?
Keep up the good work though :)
wow thank you, i appreciate your tips... i really have to work out a little more on the effects i use on my songs... :(
A banging piece of d'n'b fo sho.. Keep up the good work :)
Not my daily choice of style I pick for my ears, but this is catchy and chill:) I could be more constructive, but I don't know this genre that well.. so that leaves me only a personal opinion. Keep up the good work:)
Hey thanks a lot dude.
Nice flow and melody throughout the whole song. Only vocals remaining to complete this piece :) To find good songs on NG is rare.. keep up the good work:)
You got skills, that's for sure. I think "The-Indifferent-One" said it all :p
I noticed when the guitar started playing around 2:00.. is it a tad detoned compared to the rest? Or is it supposed to be like that?
Nevertheless, it works either ways I guess :p
Thank you, sir! Yeah, it's got some accidentals in it. I think I might turn it down just a hair, though.
Chill, but catchy :)
My first thought when I read, "It was my first song with my voice" I got a little..well, you know:p 90% of all tracks on NG are terrible productions. BUT.. this isn't one of them xD.
Keep the vocals and productions coming :)
Thank you! I am very happy that you've found it interesting :)
This is awesome work xD Keep it up ;)
Just a dude who fancy producing in his spare time.. nothing more, nothing less:p It's fun.. and that's what it's all about :) Enjoy for what it's worth :)
Age 40, Male
Joined on 4/2/08